Here we have the Waterway 48 frame 2.0HP, 2 speed pump. On this pump there are centre intake side discharge 1.5 inch unions as shown in the picture. This pump can be found in 13 amp hottubs.
Manufacturers use this pump as a circulation/heat pump and jets 2 booster pump.
48 Frame pumps are great for fitting into tight spaces inside your spas cabinet and are often used when a 56 Frame model can’t be installed.
Motor: 48 Frame 2 Speed
Power: 230v 50Hz
Amps: Low 2.2 / High 6.8
Motor kW: Low 0.44 / High 1.48
HP: Low 0.63 / High 2.11
Impellor: 4HP Industry Standard
RPM: 1440 / 2820
Capacitor: 16uf & 30uf
Picture is for illustration purposes and may vary slightly, you will recieve the product as described above.
Length: 360mm x Height: 220mm x Width 175mm.
Please note the photo shows a typical EU specification pump.