Waterway viper 2 speed 2.5HP 56 frame (2.5 x 2.5)

£605.00 Price includes VAT

Waterway 2 speed 2.5HP 56 frame (2.5 x 2.5)

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This Waterway 2 speed 2.5HP 56 frame hot tub pump is mainly used on Larger hot tubs and spas like Hot Spring and Arctic Spas and many other brands.

This waterway pump has 2 speeds to run low speed for heating and high speed for the boost operation, therefore making it very economical.

Brand:  Waterway
Wet End Frame Size:  56
Pump Horse Power:  2.5
Pump Speeds:  2
Motor HP:  0.74 / 3.54
KW:  0.52 /2.48
Amps:  3 / 11.4
Pump RPM:  1450 low / 2850 high
Impellor HP Size:  5
Includes Cable:  No

Dimensions (mm): Length:  430 Width:  200 Height:  240